About us
Al Rajhi Educational Platform
Al Rajhi Campaign Platform is the first electronic platform to educate and guide pilgrims in everything related to Hajj and visiting the Holy Sites.
Such as important rulings, guidelines, and instructions for the Most Gracious guests. The platform was founded by an elite group of professional trainers and lecturers who were carefully selected to share their experiences. Through training courses and instructional clips, by making full use of modern technology.
Our Vision
A pioneer educational and guidance platform serving the guests of the Most Merciful
Target Audience
Guests of the Holy House of Allah
Our Mission
Raising the pilgrim’s level of knowledge and behavior through an attractive and stimulating learning environment
Why Al Rajhi Platform?
Through Allah’s grace and facilitation, the idea of (Al Rajhi Platform), which was worked on and developed by a team of trainers, mentors, and employees that received approval from the Board of Directors of AlRajhi Charitable Campaign, was based on the following:
The great need for knowledge among the pilgrims of the House of Allah Almighty, emphasizes the need for such a platform
Achieving the will of the Sons of Abdulaziz Al Rajhi Charitable Endowments for the excellence in serving the guests of the Most Gracious
2030 Vision
Contribute to achieving the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030
by enriching the experience of the guests of the Most Gracious and Islam's message
Our Values
Endowment's Fathers

May Allah have mercy on him and placed him into havens
Saleh Abdul-Aziz Al Rajhi

May Allah have mercy on him and placed him into havens
Abdullah Abdul-Aziz Al Rajhi

protect him
Suleiman Abdul-Aziz Al Rajhi

May Allah have mercy on him and placed him into havens
Muhammad Abdul-Aziz Al Rajhi

Al Rajhi
Educational Platform
One of the initiatives of
the Cultural Guidance Department of Al Rajhi Hajj Campaign